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With so many hosting providers out there, it's hard to know who to trust to host your website. As with all of our services, we take pride in offering reliable, low-cost web hosting packages that are sure to fit your needs and budget. And by offering both Windows and Linux hosting platforms, our servers are ready to host your website regardless of the complexity or technology that its built on.
Our servers are located in a secure data center in downtown Pittsburgh, PA. The building is wired with dual, redundant fiber optic cable runs exiting from different locations in the building, and take different paths away from the facility. There are multiple, redundant diesal generators for emergency power situations, a temperature-controlled multi-zone floor configuration, and state-of-the-art network hardware and cabling infrastructure. In addition, we utilize multiple geographically located secondary servers for off-site backup and overall server redundancy.
The server hardware itself is currently broken up across 3 main physical servers. Each server is maxed out with the latest CPU, memory and RAID-level hardware configurations. On each server there are 3 virtual machines which specifically handle the web, database and email server software for each hosting platform (Windows and Linux). Each VM is backed up nightly as a whole, with additional backups taking place in various increments throughout the day.
What all of this technology means to you is that your website will have the fastset data transfer rates possible, with the highest uptime available, all served from a local data center. Your hosting account comes with a robust yet easy to use control panel, allowing you to add, edit and remove email accounts, website files and databases whenever you need to.
We have gone to great lengths to ensure that our web, database and email hosting servers are able to keep up with the demand of our customers now and in the future, and we invite you to see what we're all about, and to take advantage of what we have to offer.